Meet the Therapy Bunnies!
Butterscotch – Butterscotch has been a therapy bunny almost since she came to us in the rescue. She was 4 years old when she started her training, and she completed it, took her test, and passed it within a month, she is the fastest trained of all our therapy bunnies. Now at approximately 11 years old, Butterscotch seems to enjoy the Read to SomeBunny, Hop into Literacy events best. At home, she likes to play “ghost” hiding under her blankets and standing up. Her favorite treats are “Loops”, and she loves to lounge on her princess bed. She is an orange & white Dutch bunny. Butterscotch has had a book written about her life, following the theme of the “Princess Bride” and written/illustrated by Penny Collins. Her book is called “the Sad Tale of Butterscotch” and chronicles her life from when she entered the rescue till she became a therapy bunny. Butterscotch is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. She has her own MIB T-shirt, also created by Penny Collins.

Little Man – Little Man is originally from a rescue in Texas, so we like to pretend he has a cowboy accent. He loves wearing a cowboy hat! Little Man is a black & white Dutch bunny, and he is sweet & friendly and absolutely loves attention. Little Man also loves the Read to SomeBunny program. He is semi-retired and at home he likes to eat, snack, and nap. Little Man is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent.

Eggnog – Eggnog is our beautiful New Zealand White bunny. She is super calm and likes to just hang out, lying down, in her basket at any event. She likes to wear a harness that has angel wings, she loves bows and cute glasses and is a very girly girl bun. At home, Eggnog loves lying in her raised cat bed, napping, and swinging in her baby chair. Eggnog is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. She attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.

Maeve – Maeve was found lying on the side of the road as a baby and was very ill. Because she had to be medicated and have breathing treatments, she became very attached to us and we to her. After she was spayed, she started her therapy bunny training, only to have to go back into surgery for another issue. She is very sweet and calm and loves attention. She usually “works” with Eggnog in a basket and loves to sit on Eggnogs head! Maeve loves sleeping in or on her unicorn cat tree, treats and wearing scarves. She is a beautiful Himalayan mix. Maeve is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. She attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.

Gizmo – Gizmo is approximately 11 years old and has had ten facial surgeries for teeth removal & abscesses. Giz loves being a reading partner in the Read to SomeBunny program and doing other events because he loves to be petted. At home his hobbies are eating, snacking, eating, snacking and running the bunny 500. He loves snack time… I think I mentioned that and “Loops” are his favorite treat, even with no teeth. He is a Fuzzy Lop, and has his own “Warrior” logo created by Penny Collins. Gizmo is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent.

Miss Adorable – Miss Adorable is just…Adorable. She loves every event and everybody. She is sweet, calm and a little naughty, just ask the library books when we do our Read to SomeBunny program! Miss Adorable is an American breed bunny, and is approximately 6 years old. Her hobbies include treats, napping on her princess bed, and tasting books. Miss Adorable is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. She attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.

Ducky – is our newest and youngest therapy bunny but he has been going to almost all the events we attend. He is cute & playful and can be a little naughty. He hasn’t chewed any books, but he did toss one and will toss his toys on the floor for you to pick up. He also will take advantage of being to close to a table or blanket to sneak out of his basket. At home he loves to hide in his hideaway or sit on top of it. Ducky is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent.

Amelia Bunhart – named because of the airplane shaped mark on her forehead is a beautiful Rex bunny with plush fur. She is calm and sweet and loves to play with her stacking cups at home. Amelia is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent.

Juan – is an older Netherland Dwarf bunny and is best friends with Angry Bunny. They spend all their time together and love to cuddle. Juan loves people and being cuddled. He is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. He attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.

Angry Bunny – is a very tiny Netherland Dwarf bunny who has the scowl of a lion. He is super sweet and cuddly but looks like he eats nails for breakfast. He is best friends with Juan and is never far away from his friend. Angry is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. He attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.

Violet - is a beautiful Himalayan bunny who started her trained partnered with Little Man but due to a bunny illness has become mostly blind. Her training has stopped for the time being but she still is a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent.

Frankie – is a tiny 3 lb. Woolie Jersey bunny who is paralyzed in his back legs. He can’t do the training or take the test for therapy bunny, but he has been acting as an educational bunny, riding in his own special stroller. Frankie does have a wheelchair and he advocated for pet & people in them. Frankie won an international calendar contest for Walkin Pets Handicapped Pet and is the March 2024 Pinup. He has his own line of t-shirts created by Brighid Donnelly & Penny Collins. Frankie is also a “SuperBun” for MIB Agents, sending kids and young adults with Osteosarcoma monthly cards as a Writer/Agent. He attended the 2023 Factor Conference in Atlanta Georgia to help bring joy to the MIB Warriors.